statistics, climate data
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
United Kingdom
Former Sovjet Union, western part
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Middle East
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Former Sovjet Union, southern part
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Former Sovjet Union, central part
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Far East
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Southeastern Asia
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Southern Asia
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Northwestern Africa
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
South Africa
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months | Year |
Average temperature in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months | Year |
Absolute minimum in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months | Year |
Absolute maximum in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months | Year |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months | Year |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months | Year |
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
South America, northern part
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
South America, southern part
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Temperature anomaly in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
Average temperature in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Precipitation anomaly in previous: | Month | 3 months |
Total precipitation in previous: | Week | Month | 3 months |
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Copyright © Morten S. Mølgaard - Last update on April 11th, 2011