- Southern Scandinavia (VIS)
- Southern
Scandinavia (VIS), photo archive of appr. latest one month
- Europe (IR)
- Europe (IR) (6UTC, 12UTC or
18UTC - computed by Danish Meteorological Institute)
- Europe (IR),
computed (normally updated every hour, immediately after photo is taken)
- Europe
(IR), photo archive of appr. latest two months
- Europe (IR), photo archive
for every hour within last 48 hours
- Europe
(IR), latest satellite photo, UK Met Office (United Kingdom)
- Europe (VIS)
- Europe (VIS),
computed photos of last day (6 hours' interval), Météo France (France)
- Europe
(VIS), latest satellite photo, UK Met Office (United Kingdom)
- Europe,
satellite film for the latest 2 days (MPEG viewer required)
- Europe, satellite film
("dias show" - no viewer required)
- Europe (not always
updated photo)
- Different parts of the
world, complete overview of the latest Meteosat photos from the server in Nottingham
(United Kingdom)
- Different
parts of the world, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- World,
remote sensing colored temperature maps
- World, computed
satellite/temperature image (70K)
The users of these pages are those who can help keeping
the pages up to date. So, if you find "dead" links, or if you have any kind of
questions or comments about the weather, please do not hesitate to me.
to the meteorology - initial page
Copyright © Morten S. Mølgaard -
Last update on April 11th, 2011