Universities with meteorological sites |
University | Country |
British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) | United Kingdom |
Freie Universität Berlin eller hér | Germany |
Geofysisk Institut, København | Denmark |
Helsingfors Universitet | Finland |
McGill University | Canada |
Pennsylvania State University | USA |
Plymouth State College | USA |
Royal Meteorological Society | United Kingdom |
Stockholms Universitet | Sweden |
Tromsø Universitet | Norway |
Universitat de Barcelona / Infomet | Spain |
Universität Köln | Germany |
Universität Stuttgart | Germany |
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
University of Hawaii | USA |
University of Illinois | USA |
University of Michigan | USA |
University of Notre Dame | USA |
University of Reading (Særdeles god side med et stort antal vejrkort/vejrbilleder!) |
United Kingdom |
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Copyright © Morten S. Mølgaard - Last update on April 11th, 2011