Weather in text form
To get detailed weather forecasts of the single
countries, please see the list of national meteorological
institutes. Many of them have an English version.
- 1 day forecast for Denmark,
from DMI (Danish Meteorological Institute). Text in Danish
- 7 days forecast for Danmark,
from DMI. Text in Danish
- 1 day forecast (regional
forecast) of northern Jutland, from DMI. Text in Danish
- Regional 5 days tourist forecast for northern Jutland from
DMI (text in English). Also
available in German. The whole
tourist weather service of all Danish regions available here (both English and German)
- Last month's weather in
Denmark, from DMI. Text in Danish. Details here (PDF
file, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
- Earlier months' weather
in Denmark, from DMI. Text in Danish. Details
here (PDF files)
- Last week's weather in
Denmark, from DMI. Text in Danish (PDF file)
- Earlier
weeks' weather in Denmark, from DMI. Text in Danish (PDF file)
and METAR lists, from DMI
- 1
day forecast for the Faroe Islands, from DMI. Text in Danish
- 5
days forecast for the Faroe Islands, from DMI. Text in Danish
- Forecast
for Greenland, from DMI. Text in Danish
United Kingdom
North America
The users of these pages are those who can help keeping
the pages up to date. So, if you find "dead" links, or if you have any kind of
questions or comments about the weather, please do not hesitate to me.
to the meteorology - initial page
Copyright © Morten S. Mølgaard -
Last update on April 11th, 2011